Ultra-Poor Graduation

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Measuring the long-term impact of reducing childhood poverty: Evidence from Ultra-poor Graduation program

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Anindita Bhattacharjee, Narayan C. Das, PhD, Marzuk A. N. Hossain

Topic(s): Ultra-Poor Graduation

Parenting-For-Adolescent (PFA) Program 

Status: Completed

Researcher(s): Khandker Wahedur Rahman, PhD, Shaila Ahmed, PhD, Marjan Hossain

Topic(s): Ultra-Poor Graduation

Rapid Assessment of BRAC’s UPG-SDP Integrated Model

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Mohima Gomes, Suranjit Paul

Topic(s): Ultra-Poor Graduation

An Early Evaluation of BRAC’s New Poor Programme

Status: Completed

Researcher(s): Imran Matin, PhD, Narayan C. Das, PhD, Nusrat Jahan, Mohima Gomes, Tanvir Shatil

Topic(s): BRAC Programs, Economic Development, Ultra-Poor Graduation

Impact Assessment of BRAC’s Disability Inclusive Ultra-Poor Graduation (DIUPG) Programme

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Imran Matin, PhD, Narayan C. Das, PhD, Sheikh Touhidul Haque, PhD, Semab Rahman

Topic(s): BRAC Programs, Social Transformation, Ultra-Poor Graduation

Impact Evaluation of Disability Inclusiveness Graduation (DIG) in Uganda

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Munshi Sulaiman, PhD, Christine Nabulumba

Topic(s): Ultra-Poor Graduation

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Journal Article

Globalising Southern Approaches to Reducing Extreme Poverty: Policy Adoption of BRAC’s Targeting the Ultra Poor Graduation Program

Publisher: Development in Practice

Date: 2024

Author(s): Hashemi, Syed M.; Montesquiou, Aude de

Topic(s): Ultra-Poor Graduation

BIGD Reviews

BIGD Reflections 2023

Publisher: BIGD

Date: 2023

Author(s): BIGD

Topic(s): Economic Development, Social Transformation, Ultra-Poor Graduation, BRAC Programs


How Effective is the BRAC Ultra-Poor Graduation Programme? | An Impact Evaluation of 2019 Cohort

Publisher: BIGD, Innovations for Poverty Action

Date: 2023

Author(s): Jahan, Nusrat; Mozumder, Tanvir Ahmed; Hsu, Sam; Arman, Md. Raied; Arif, Akmam Binte

Topic(s): BRAC Programs, Economic Development, Social Transformation, Ultra-Poor Graduation


Rapid Assessment of BRAC’s Disability Inclusive Ultra-Poor Graduation (DIUPG) Programme

Publisher: BIGD

Date: 2023

Author(s): Gomes, Mohima; Kamruzzaman, Md.; Tahsin, Nabila; Islam, Md. Karimul; Biswas, Dipika

Topic(s): BRAC Programs, Social Transformation, Ultra-Poor Graduation

Journal Article

Graduation Approach to Poverty Reduction in the Humanitarian Context: Evidence From Bangladesh

Publisher: Journal of International Development

Date: 2023

Author(s): Rahman, Atiya; Bhattacharjee, Anindita; Nisat, Rafia; Das, Narayan

Topic(s): Economic Development, Ultra-Poor Graduation


A Timely Response for the Sudden Poor An Early Evaluation of BRAC’s New Poor Program

Publisher: BIGD

Date: 2022

Author(s): Gomes, Mohima; Shatil, Tanvir; Jahan, Nusrat; Tahsin, Nabila; Das, Narayan C; Matin, Imran

Topic(s): BRAC Programs, COVID-19, Economic Development, Ultra-Poor Graduation

Working Paper

Sustaining Escapes From Ultra-Poverty: A Mixed Methods Assessment of Layered Interventions in Coastal Bangladesh

Publisher: Chronic Poverty Advisory Network

Date: 2022

Author(s): Diwakar, Vidya; Kamninga, Tony; Mehzabin, Tasfia; Tumusiime, Emmanuel; Kamal, Rohini; Pabony, Nuha Anoor

Topic(s): Climate Change, Ultra-Poor Graduation

BIGD Reviews

BIGD Reflections 2022

Publisher: BIGD

Date: 2022

Author(s): BIGD

Topic(s): BRAC Programs, Economic Development, Social Transformation, Ultra-Poor Graduation

Working Paper

Pathways Out of Ultra-poverty: A Mixed Methods Assessment of Layered Interventions in Coastal Bangladesh

Publisher: Chronic Poverty Advisory Network

Date: 2022

Author(s): Diwakar, Vidya; Kamninga, Tony; Mehzabin, Tasfia; Tumusiime, Emmanuel; Kamal, Rohini; Pabony, Nuha Anoor

Topic(s): Ultra-Poor Graduation

Journal Article

The Impact of Livestock Asset Transfers on the Livelihoods of the Ultra-poor

Publisher: Development in Practice

Date: 2022

Author(s): Das, Narayan C.; Kamruzzaman, Md.; Ahmed, Md. Shakil

Topic(s): Economic Development, Ultra-Poor Graduation

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12 October 2023
Md. Karimul Islam and Md. Kamruzzaman

Caregiving is a crucial aspect of ensuring the wellbeing of persons with disabilities. However, due to several reasons including the absence of institutional arrangements and formal training on caregiving, the needs of persons with disabilities get little attention from policymakers and other stakeholders.

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29 May 2023
Tanvir Ahmed Mozumder and Mehid Hasan Munna

A significant segment of the populace in Bangladesh continues to live in ultra-poverty. How effective is BRAC’s redesigned Ultra-Poor Graduation (UPG) programme in addressing their plight?

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29 January 2023
Yolande Wright

I joined some research work, visiting families prior to the interventions, and listened as women described what they had to eat in their home. How rice with a little garlic or chilli was their main meal, and the cooking water with a little rice in it would do for breakfast.

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16 January 2023
Khondaker Hasibul Kabir

One of my earliest encounters with extreme poverty was through BRAC’s Ultra-Poor Graduation (UPG) program. Although I grew up in a village myself and was accustomed to poverty, UPG made me realize what it really means to be extremely poor.

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11 October 2022
Nusrat Jahan

I met Parveen in a Khulna slum back in August 2021. It was the height of the monsoon, hot and humid. The narrow, meandering mud road that led to her home was waterlogged by the trapped rainwater mixed with the saline water that the encroaching sea was pushing inward and the thick, blackish fluid oozing from the leaking sewer. We hopped from one brick to the next which was laid on the path about a foot apart for walking.
Parveen emerged from her humble home, a tall, strong woman with a beaming face. She invited us inside.

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18 April 2022
Tausif Ahmed Qurashi

Development practitioners use various interventions or models to provide services to beneficiaries. For example, the ultra-poor graduation model is used to help people come out of extreme poverty. There are numerous models used by development practitioners and each one is different from the other. All these models have different goals and are designed for a specific target group. For example, a reintegration model is used for returnees and victims of human trafficking to help them get into society and find work suitable for their skills and experiences.

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18 March 2020
Marjan Hossain

For three days, I embarked on this journey with a dearth of knowledge on village etiquette, a language barrier (weak spoken Bengali), tainted with urban hues. Yet I was accepted into their homes with open arms and wide-eyed grins. And…

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17 February 2020
Nusrat Jahan

A child often dreams big, despite its circumstances, blissful and naive. That is why when we ask a poor child what it wants to be in life, we often get somewhat audacious answers like a pilot, a doctor, or a...

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Nov '21

COVID-19 vs the Ultra-Poor Graduation Approach: Evidence from Bangladesh

6:30 pm Webinar

View meeting minutes On November 10, 2021, BRAC, BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD), G²LM|LIC, the International Growth Centre (IGC STICERD, the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), and the UK...
