Skills and Jobs

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Changing Village

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Shahaduz Zaman, PhD, Tanvir Shatil, Khondokar Shakhawat Ali, Mirza M. Hassan, PhD, Syeda Salina Aziz, Asif Shahan, PhD, Rohini Kamal, PhD, Fariza Rahman

Topic(s): Skills and Jobs, Social Transformation, Climate Change, Digitization, Economic Development, Gender Justice, Governance and Politics

Employment and Expectations of Former Madrasa Students in Cox’s Bazar: A Cross-Sectional Exploration

Status: Completed

Researcher(s): Md. Shakil Ahmed, Khandker Wahedur Rahman, PhD

Topic(s): Skills and Jobs, Education

The Impact of Job Training on Livelihoods: A Tracer Study

Status: Completed

Researcher(s): Narayan C. Das, PhD, Tanvir Ahmed Mozumder

Topic(s): BRAC Programs, COVID-19, Skills and Jobs

Progressing the Retail Sector by Increasing Decent Employment (PRIDE)

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Narayan C. Das, PhD, Md. Shakil Ahmed

Topic(s): BRAC Programs, Skills and Jobs

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Journal Article

The Impact of Entrepreneurship Training and Credit on the Labour Market Outcomes of Disadvantaged Young People

Publisher: Development in Practice

Date: 2024

Author(s): Khan, Tahsina Naz; Bhattacharjee, Anindita; Das, Narayan; Hossain, Marzuk A.N.; Rahman, Atiya; Tabassum, Asma

Topic(s): BRAC Programs, Skills and Jobs, Social Transformation

Journal Article

Economic Recovery of the New Poor Created by COVID-19: Evidence From Bangladesh

Publisher: Development in Practice

Date: 2023

Author(s): Gomes, Mohima; Jahan, Nusrat; Shatil, Tanvir; Tahsin, Nabila; Das, Narayan; Matin, Imran.

Topic(s): BRAC Programs, COVID-19, Skills and Jobs, Social Transformation


Digital Literacy and Access to Public Services in Rural Households of Bangladesh

Publisher: BIGD

Date: 2023

Author(s): Shafi, Yasin

Topic(s): Digitization, Skills and Jobs


Ten Years After Rana Plaza: Remembering, Learning, and Moving Forward

Publisher: BIGD

Date: 2023

Author(s): Sultan, Maheen; Antara, Iffat Jahan; Islam, Touhidul

Topic(s): Gender Justice, Skills and Jobs, Social Transformation

Policy Brief

Online Freelancing: A New Frontier for the Youth in the Developing World

Publisher: BIGD

Date: 2023

Author(s): Jahan, Nusrat; Huq, Lopita; Arman, Md. Raied 

Topic(s): Economic Development, Gender Justice, Skills and Jobs

Policy Brief

রানা প্লাজার দশ বছরঃ স্মৃতি, শিক্ষা ও অগ্রগতি

Publisher: BIGD

Date: 2023

Author(s): Sultan, Maheen; Antara, Iffat Jahan; Islam, Touhidul

Topic(s): Gender Justice, Skills and Jobs, Social Transformation

Policy Brief

Ten Years After Rana Plaza: Remembering, Learning, and Moving Forward

Publisher: BIGD

Date: 2023

Author(s): Sultan, Maheen; Antara, Iffat Jahan; Islam, Touhidul 

Topic(s): Gender Justice, Skills and Jobs, Social Transformation


Effectiveness of Post Graduate Diploma in Knitwear Industry Management (PGD-KIM) Program

Publisher: BIGD

Date: 2023

Author(s): Ahmed, Md Shakil; Adiba, Afsana; Shatil, Tanvir; Tanchangya, Ratul; Das, Narayan

Topic(s): Education, Skills and Jobs

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7 September 2022
Raihana Sayeeda Kamal and Sadia Chowdhury

Facebook commerce, or F-commerce, offers women an opportunity for self-employment. As one example, Nadia Rahman, a student and a painter, loves to sketch life and nature using sarees and kurtis (Bangladeshi tops) as canvases.

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22 March 2022
Nusrat Jahan

Girls in the classroom of the BRAC branch office Photo: Afsana Adiba BRAC Branch Office, Dhaka Dokkhin, Sylhet, Bangladesh For the last two days, I have been meeting underprivileged youths who received, or are receiving, BRAC’s skills training of various...

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17 February 2021
Mehedi Hasan Anik

The idea of distance learning is not new in Bangladesh. With the recent popularity of the internet, a large group of people are following this learning process. However, it is limited to privileged groups who have the resources to avail…

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14 July 2020
Sayema Haque Bidisha and Avinno Faruk

Photo: © Dominic Chavez/World Bank licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 With the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Bangladesh on 8 March 2020 and the initiation of a lockdown on 26 March 2020¹, the livelihoods of a significant number of...

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24 April 2020
Aanmona Priyadarshini

Following the trajectory of global structures of inequality, the death and mayhem the pandemic has brought in its wake has locked down humans in their countries, cities, and homes. As the novel Coronavirus has spread rapidly, governments all over the...

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17 February 2020
Zarine Anan Khondoker

Nazmeen (17), a mother of an 8-month old child, works at three different apartments in Mohammadpur as a housemaid. Married off at the tender age of 15, she had never completed her schooling and had to take on the heavy...

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17 February 2020
Nusrat Jahan

A child often dreams big, despite its circumstances, blissful and naive. That is why when we ask a poor child what it wants to be in life, we often get somewhat audacious answers like a pilot, a doctor, or a...

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Sep '23

Training Workshop | Thinking Qualitatively: Principles of Qualitative and Ethnographic Research

9:00 am BRAC University Building 08, Level 13

Photo Credit: Zehad-Al-Mehedi BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD)—in collaboration with Interdisciplinary Knowledge Initiatives, Bangladesh—hosted a three-day-long workshop on Thinking Qualitatively: Principles...


Sep '22

Workshop on Young People and Work in South Asia

10:00 am BRAC Centre Inn Meeting Room -1

BRAC Institute of Governance and Development, (BIGD), in partnership with the University of Cambridge, LUMS, and Azim Premji University, organized a workshop on “Young people and Work in South Asia” as a part of a new initiative to...


Nov '21

PPRC-BIGD Rapid Research Response Phase IV Part II: Trends in COVID Impact on Livelihood, Coping, and Recovery

12:00 pm Webinar

View PowerPoint slides Power and Participation Research Centre (PPRC) and BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD) have been jointly conducting a multi-phase study since April 2020 to capture the evolving health and...


Oct '21

PPRC-BIGD Rapid Research Response Phase IV Part I: COVID-19 and Education Life of Children

12:00 pm Webinar

View the PowerPoint slides Power and Participation Research Centre (PPRC) and BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD) has been jointly conducting a multi-phase COVID-19 Livelihoods and Recovery Panel Survey since April...


Jul '21

Building a Resilient Ecosystem for Women in the Skills Sector : Challenges and Prospects

5:00 pm Webinar

Presentation by Dr Imran Matin | Presentation by Joydeep Sinha Roy UNESCO-UNEVOC celebrates World Youth Skills Day on 15 July every year to raise awareness about the importance of youth skills development. The United Nations...


Jul '21

Evidence to Action: COVID-19 and the Deepening Learning Crisis – How Can We Build Forward Better?

12:30 pm Webinar

Presentation on Evidence from Bangladesh: Dr Imran Matin | Presentation on Global Evidence: Dr Rachel Glennerster BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD) organized an online discussion on the implications and emerging...


May '21

How has COVID-19 Affected Micro Enterprises and Workers in Bangladesh?

7:00 pm Webinar

View the PowerPoint Slides here While the Bangladesh economy has largely recovered from the initial COVID-19 shock, the recovery has been uneven across industries. Its effect remains severe on the economic and psychological...


Sep '20

Effects of COVID-19 on Small Firms: Evidence From Large Scale Surveys of Owners and Employees

11:00 am Webinar

View the webinar deck here Among the different sectors affected by COVID-19 in Bangladesh, the effects of this global pandemic have been particularly acute on small and micro-enterprises. As a part of our Rapid Research Response (RRR)...


Aug '20

BIGD Webinar: Knocked Down, but Up Again: The Case of Female Online Entrepreneurs in Bangladesh

11:00 am Webinar

Webinar Deck | Report With lower startup costs and a broader reach, a growing number of entrepreneurs in Bangladesh have recently turned to the online retail market. A large percentage of these entrepreneurs are female who...


Jun '20

Webinar: COVID-19, Schooling and Learning in Bangladesh

3:00 pm Webinar

View the webinar deck here The education system in Bangladesh has always struggled to provide quality education to nearly 40 million children enrolled in schools. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated this learning crisis as all...

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