Governance and Politics

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Changing Village

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Shahaduz Zaman, PhD, Tanvir Shatil, Khondokar Shakhawat Ali, Mirza M. Hassan, PhD, Syeda Salina Aziz, Asif Shahan, PhD, Rohini Kamal, PhD, Fariza Rahman

Topic(s): Digitization, Economic Development, Gender Justice, Governance and Politics, Skills and Jobs, Social Transformation, Climate Change

Baseline Study and Action Plan for piloting SDGs localization in Bangladesh

Status: Completed

Researcher(s): Mirza M. Hassan, PhD, Syeda Salina Aziz, Tanvir Ahmed Mozumder, Raihan Ahamed

Topic(s): Governance and Politics

Digital Services Access Survey (DigiSAS)

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Khandker Wahedur Rahman, PhD, Semab Rahman, Marjan Hossain

Topic(s): Digitization, Governance and Politics

Political Economy of COVID-19 Governance in Bangladesh

Status: Completed

Researcher(s): Mirza M. Hassan, PhD, Mohammad Sirajul Islam, Syeda Salina Aziz, Siddiqur Rahman Osmani, PhD, Maheen Sultan, Iffat Jahan Antara, Shahaduz Zaman, PhD, Faruq Hossain, Imran Matin, PhD

Topic(s): COVID-19, Governance and Politics

Formulation of COVID-19 Contingency Measures Within 8FYP

Status: Completed

Researcher(s): Siddiqur Rahman Osmani, PhD

Topic(s): COVID-19, Governance and Politics, Macroeconomics

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Journal Article

Bangladesh’s Evolving Balancing Strategy: From Two-Way To Three-Way?

Publisher: Journal of Global Politics and Current Diplomacy

Date: 2024

Author(s): Rashid, Mufassir; Tasnim, Nishat; Proma, Aishwarya Sanjukta Roy

Topic(s): Governance and Politics


The Feedback State: Listening and Responding to Bangladesh’s Citizens During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Publisher: BIGD

Date: 2023

Author(s): Ahmed, Zahir; Aziz, Syeda Salina; Chowdhury, Shuvra; Hassan, Mirza; Hoque, Rafsanul; Hossain, Naomi; Panday, Pranab Kumar; Ul-Mutahara, Marium

Topic(s): COVID-19, Governance and Politics

Policy Brief

Delegating Authority in Bangladesh to Manage the Covid-19 Pandemic

Publisher: Chronic Poverty Advisory Network

Date: 2023

Author(s): Shahan, Asif; Rahemin, Raeesa; Aziz, Syeda Salina; Hassan, Mirza Masood

Topic(s): COVID-19, Governance and Politics

Policy Brief

The Role of Local Resources in Mitigating the Impact of Covid-19

Publisher: Chronic Poverty Advisory Network

Date: 2023

Author(s): Tafere, Yisak; Shahan, Asif; Rahemin, Raeesa; Diwakar, Vidya

Topic(s): COVID-19, Governance and Politics, Social Transformation


Chronic Poverty Report 2023: Pandemic Poverty

Publisher: Chronic Poverty Advisory Network

Date: 2023

Author(s): Bizoza, Alfred; Lenhardt, Amanda; Shepherd, Andrew; Moonga, Arthur; Shahan, Asif; Banerjee, Bipasa; Sean, Chanmony; Hallink, Courtney; Simbaya, Joseph; Bird, Kate; Banerji, Manjistha; Eichsteller, Marta; Chen, Marty; Hassan, Mirza; Karinten, Nashipai; Rahemin, Raeesa; Isimbi, Roberte; Pramanik, Santanu; San, Sophany; Chhom, Theavy; Diwakar, Vidya; Tafere, Yisak.

Topic(s): COVID-19, Governance and Politics


The State of Bangladesh’s Political Governance, Development and Society: According to Its Citizens

Publisher: BIGD, The Asia Foundation

Date: 2023

Author(s): Hassan, Mirza M.; Aziz, Syeda Salina; Mozumder, Tanvir Ahmed; Hoque, Rafsanul; Tasnim, Sumaiya; Rahemin, Raeesa; Husain, Izlal Moin; Islam, Ainee

Topic(s): Governance and Politics

Journal Article

Achieving Gender Equality Through Challenging Social Norms: BRAC’s Polli Shomaj Program

Publisher: Development in Practice

Date: 2023

Author(s): Qayum, Nayma; Hassan; Mirza; Aziz, Syeda Salina

Topic(s): BRAC Programs, Governance and Politics

Policy Brief

Digitizing Implementation Monitoring and Public Procurement Project (DIMAPPP) Research Brief: Issue 4

Publisher: BIGD

Date: 2022

Author(s): Ahamed, Raihan; Khan, Insiya

Topic(s): Governance and Politics

Journal Article

De-risking Private Power in Bangladesh: How Financing Design Can Stop Collusive Contracting

Publisher: Energy Policy

Date: 2022

Author(s): Khan, Mushtaq; Watkins, Mitchell; Zahan, Iffat

Topic(s): Economic Development, Governance and Politics

Working Paper

The Political Economy of the Landscape of Trade Unions in Bangladesh: The Case of the RMG Sector

Publisher: BIGD

Date: 2022

Author(s): Hassan, Mirza M.; Aziz, Syeda Salina; Rahemin, Raeesa; Khan, Insiya; Hoque, Rafsanul

Topic(s): Governance and Politics

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4 September 2023
Syeda Salina Aziz

With an election around the corner, the increasing gap between the public and their representatives adds another layer of complexity to the broader context of declining trust among the citizen of the country.

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13 July 2023
Rabeena Sultana Ananna and Madhuri Goswami

In a world driven by monetary transactions and material pursuits, there are individuals who willingly dedicate their time, skills, and energy to non-paid work. But, what motivates these volunteers to engage in unpaid work, when the pressures of earning a living and fulfilling personal needs loom large?

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30 January 2023
Anu Joshi, Miguel Loureiro, Niranjan Nampoothiri, Salina Aziz and Sohela Nazneen

During the pandemic, wider informal social networks and government resources were inadequate. The blog discusses which governance channels people whose livelihoods and incomes were severely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic navigate while attempting to bounce back.

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13 December 2021
Shabnaz Zubaid

How far have we come since the declaration of "Digital Bangladesh" 13 years ago? Shabnaz Zubaid shares her experiences from a recent visit to some of the remote villages of Bangladesh to observe the pattern of uptake of public digital...

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19 October 2021
Iffat Zahan

Meeting with Polli Samaj by UN Women/Snigdha Zaman, made available by CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 The global economy loses USD 2.6 trillion to corruption each year, while developing country economies lose USD 1.26 trillion annually to corruption, tax evasion and illicit...

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5 October 2021
Nicola Nixon, Stefaan Verhulst, Imran Matin & Philips J. Vermonte

Nicola Nixon, Stefaan Verhulst, Imran Matin & Philips J. Vermonte explore a really interesting initiative to crowdsource the most important current issues on the governance agenda. Photo: Asia Foundation Late last year, we – the Governance Lab at NYU, the CSIS Indonesia, the BRAC Institute of Governance and...

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23 June 2020
Syeda Salina Aziz

Looking at his betel leaf stained teeth and shabby appearance, no one would take the person seriously. Rather, one would take a furtive glance and wonder why this person is sitting in the front row among many well-dressed government officials....

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20 June 2020
Erina Mahmud

Photo credit: WorldFish, licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 An endorsement from the local leadership goes a long way in implementing a development intervention. Presenting local elected representatives’ names on promotional materials like event banner is one form of such endorsement....

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17 June 2020
Insiya Khan

Civil society member Hasina Begum Nila rises from her chair and seizes the opportunity to pose a question, as soon as the floor is opened for doing so. She confidently asks the panel if the Citizen Engagement in Public Procurement...

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23 May 2020
Mushtaq Khan and Pallavi Roy

Why the COVID-19 Response is Undermined by Corruption ‘Flattening the curve’ and lockdowns have sadly become part of our new vocabulary. That this is not just about limiting patient numbers temporarily but primarily about using the opportunity to scale up...

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Dec '24

Post-Uprising Bangladesh: What do people expect? | অভ্যুত্থান-পরবর্তী বাংলাদেশঃ মানুষ কি ভাবছে?

10:00 am Press Institute of Bangladsh

On 12 December 2024 BIGD hosted an open discussion titled "Post-Uprising Bangladesh: What Do People Expect?" The event brought together distinguished participants, including Dr. Imran Matin, Executive Director of BIGD; Dr Mirza M....


Sep '24

Forty Days of Uprising: What are People Thinking?

3:30 pm Muzaffar Ahmed Chowdhury Auditorium, Social Science Faculty, Dhaka University

On the occasion of International Democracy Day on 15 September, an open discussion titled Forty Days of Uprising: What Were People Thinking was held at the University of Dhaka. Emphasizing this year’s theme of “empowering the next...


Nov '22

Dynamics of State Craft, Governance Reform & Public Intellectualism in Bangladesh: The Legacy of Dr Akbar Ali Khan

6:00 pm Webinar

View the powerpoint slides here BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD), BRAC University organized a webinar to commemorate eminent economist and former caretaker government advisor Dr Akbar Ali Khan on Thursday 20 October...


Oct '21

BIGD-ISAS Webinar: Governing COVID-19 in Bangladesh: Realities and Reflections to Build Forward Better

9:00 pm Webinar

BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD) and the Subir and Malini Chowdhury Center for Bangladesh Studies organized a critical discussion on the governance realities in Bangladesh and beyond, based on the recent State of...


Sep '21

BIGD-Covid Collective Webinar | Governing COVID-19 in Bangladesh: Realities and Reflections to Build Forward Better

8:00 pm Webinar

Presentation | Research Brief | Full Report COVID-19 is a global shock and has proved to be the ultimate stress test for governance capacities across the world. This impact is particularly profound in developing countries like...


Sep '21

State of Governance in Bangladesh 2020–21: Dissemination of Report Findings with MAGD Alumni

7:00 pm Webinar

Invite-only The State of Governance in Bangladesh Report was an annual flagship publication of BIGD that explored critical governance issues by analyzing the context and underlying dynamics and highlighting systemic strengths and...


Jul '21

State of Governance in Bangladesh 2020-21: Managing the COVID-19 Pandemic

7:00 pm Webinar

Presentation | Research Brief COVID-19 has proved to be the ultimate stress test for governance capacities all over the world. In developing countries like Bangladesh, it has exposed serious gaps in the governance of critical sectors,...


May '20

Webinar: COVID-19 Impact on RMG Sector and the Financial Stimulus Package

11:00 am Webinar

View the webinar deck here The RMG industry in Bangladesh is facing a serious crisis because of COVID-19, with virtual freeze on new business and mass cancelation of existing orders, leading to a wave of job losses and unrest amongst...


Dec '19

Digital Identities: When Inclusion Excludes and Functions Creep by Pallavi Roy and Mushtaq Khan

4:30 pm BRAC University Auditorium, Dhaka

Digital identity systems are being enthusiastically adopted in Asia and Africa as a response to corruption, poor governance, poor public service delivery, and high costs of doing business. The expectation is that digital identity...


Jul '19

State of Cities 2018: Water Governance in Dhaka

10:00 am BRAC Centre Inn Auditorium, Dhaka

The Government of Bangladesh aspires to be a model country in terms of achieving the targets of SDG 6: Ensuring the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. Achieving this goal will critically depend on...

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