Gender Justice

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Changing Village

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Shahaduz Zaman, PhD, Tanvir Shatil, Khondokar Shakhawat Ali, Mirza M. Hassan, PhD, Syeda Salina Aziz, Asif Shahan, PhD, Rohini Kamal, PhD, Fariza Rahman

Topic(s): Digitization, Economic Development, Gender Justice, Governance and Politics, Skills and Jobs, Social Transformation, Climate Change

The Determinants of Domestic Violence in Bangladesh: A Randomized Control Trial

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Atonu Rabbani, PhD, Sakib Mahmood, PhD, Hasibul Hasan, Farzin Mumtahena

Topic(s): Gender Justice

Gender Norms at Work: Impacts on Women’s Hiring and Workplace Experiences in Bangladesh

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Narayan C. Das, PhD, Sheikh Touhidul Haque, PhD, Nuzaira Binte Neaz

Topic(s): Economic Development, Gender Justice

Understanding the Impact and Effectiveness of Holistic Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities: The Case of Bangladesh

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Narayan C. Das, PhD, Khandker Wahedur Rahman, PhD, Md. Kamruzzaman, Maliha Noshin Khan

Topic(s): Education, Social Transformation, Gender Justice

Economic Empowerment of Women Clients through a Gender Transformative Microfinance Program (GTMF)

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Maheen Sultan, Khandker Wahedur Rahman, PhD, Marjan Hossain

Topic(s): BRAC Programs, Gender Justice, Social Transformation

Livelihood Transitions and Coping with Shocks: Women in the Domestic Service Sector Coping with COVID-19

Status: Completed

Researcher(s): Lopita Huq, Taslima Aktar, Saklain Al Mamun

Topic(s): COVID-19, Gender Justice

Livelihood Transitions and Coping with Shocks: Women in the RMG Sector Coping with COVID-19

Status: Completed

Researcher(s): Lopita Huq, Taslima Aktar, Saklain Al Mamun

Topic(s): COVID-19, Gender Justice

Adolescent Girls’ Vulnerabilities and Transitions in the Context of COVID-19

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Maheen Sultan, Lopita Huq, Khandker Wahedur Rahman, PhD, Md. Raied Arman, Iffat Jahan Antara, Maliha Noshin Khan

Topic(s): COVID-19, Gender Justice

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Working Paper

Analysis of Voice and Agency in Countering Backlash Against Gender Justice: Synthesis of Three Policy Cases in Bangladesh

Publisher: Institute of Development Studies

Date: 2024

Author(s): Maheen Sultan, Mohaiminul Islam, Pragyna Mahpara, Iffat Jahan, Shamsad Navia Novelly

Topic(s): Gender Justice


‘It’s a Family Matter’: Inaction and Denial of Domestic Violence

Publisher: Institute of Development Studies

Date: 2024

Author(s): Sultan, Maheen; Mahpara, Pragyna

Topic(s): Gender Justice, Social Transformation

Policy Brief

Precarity, Area-Based Discrimination, and Limited Support: Experiences of Urban Poverty After COVID-19 in Bangladesh

Publisher: BIGD

Date: 2023

Author(s): Roelen, Keetie; Al Mamun, Saklain; Chowdhury, Kabita; Diwakar, Vidya; Rabbi, Abu Sayem; Rownak, Raisa; Sultan, Maheen; Sumanthiran, Shilohni

Topic(s): COVID-19, Gender Justice, Social Transformation

Policy Brief

Countering Backlash in the Implementation of Bangladesh’s Domestic Violence Act

Publisher: BIGD, Institute of Development Studies

Date: 2023

Author(s): Sultan, Maheen; Mahpara, Pragyna

Topic(s): Gender Justice, Social Transformation

Journal Article

Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Access to Healthcare Among People With Disabilities: Evidence From Six Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Publisher: International Journal for Equity in Health

Date: 2023

Author(s): Hunt, Xanthe; Hameed, Shaffa; Tetali, Shailaja; Ngoc, Luong Anh; Ganle, John; Huq, Lopita; Shakespeare, Tom; Smythe, Tracey; Ilkkursun, Zeynep; Kuper, Hannah; Acarturk, Ceren; Kannuri, Nanda Kishore; Mai, Vu Quynh; Khan, Rifat Shahpar; Banks, Lena Morgon 

Topic(s): COVID-19, Gender Justice

Journal Article

Labour Market Outcomes and Child Marriage: Evidence From BRAC’s Skills Training Programme

Publisher: Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies

Date: 2023

Author(s): Rahman, Atiya; Bhattacharjee, Anindita; Rahman, Rehnuma

Topic(s): BRAC Programs, Gender Justice


Ten Years After Rana Plaza: Remembering, Learning, and Moving Forward

Publisher: BIGD

Date: 2023

Author(s): Sultan, Maheen; Antara, Iffat Jahan; Islam, Touhidul

Topic(s): Gender Justice, Skills and Jobs, Social Transformation

Policy Brief

Online Freelancing: A New Frontier for the Youth in the Developing World

Publisher: BIGD

Date: 2023

Author(s): Jahan, Nusrat; Huq, Lopita; Arman, Md. Raied 

Topic(s): Economic Development, Gender Justice, Skills and Jobs

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27 August 2024
Maheen Sultana

As Bangladesh makes strides towards gender equity, significant gaps remain in ensuring all women benefit from progress. With recent shifts in policies and global support, there is a unique window of opportunity to address these disparities. This blog underscores the importance of seizing this moment to push for transformative changes that will make gender equity a reality for all women in Bangladesh.

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6 May 2024
Taslima Aktar

In Korail slum, working mothers like Nasima rely on home-based childcare for economic survival. Yet, our research reveals these facilities lack safety and developmental support for children. BRAC’s initiative aims to transform them into quality centers, empowering caregivers and advocating for national policies that prioritize childcare as a fundamental right for both children and working mothers.

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27 November 2023
Shravasti Roy Nath and Taslima Aktar

BIGD’s study in Hazaribagh, Bangladesh, sheds light on the use of veils by 10-14-year-old girls as a protective measure against harassment, revealing the intersection of societal norms, patriarchy, and child labour challenges.

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10 August 2023
Rabeena Sultana Ananna

Caught in the clash between the need to know and the reluctance to discuss it, there is a complex interplay of awareness and taboos surrounding menstrual knowledge among unmarried adult men in Bangladesh.

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14 December 2022
Shravasti Roy Nath and Nuha Annoor Pabony

“Dalit” originates from the Sanskrit word दलित (dalita), meaning “divided, split, broken, scattered”, it was originally used in the 1800s to describe the lower castes (untouchables) of the Hindu society. About 3.5 million Dalits live in Bangladesh.

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6 November 2022
Shravasti Roy Nath

On the edge of a desolate road, two hours away from the nearest school, exists a row of tin “houses”. Perhaps more accurately, they could be described as roughly organized slabs of tin propped up against each other.

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15 June 2022
Mehid Hasan Munna

On Wednesday, June 1, after nearly two days of deliberations, the seven-member jury delivered its verdict on the Depp-Heard trial: Amber Heard’s claims of being a victim of domestic violence in a Washington Post op-ed were “false,” and she had acted with “actual malice” toward her ex-husband when she wrote the article.

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17 March 2022
Mohammed Wadudul Islam

March 17 is an important day for Bangladesh, especially this year. It’s the birth centenary of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, as well as the National Children’s Day which is celebrated every year since 2009. Question:...

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8 March 2022
Rohini Kamal

The theme for International Women’s Day in 2022 “gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow” captures the need of the hour, following the dire pronouncements in the 6th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It reminds...

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4 January 2022
Aysha Zaheen & Farhan Ajmaine

On November 14, 2021, Mosammat Kamrunnahar, former judge of Dhaka Women and Children Repression Prevention Tribunal-7, was suspended by the Supreme Court for remarking that rape cases should not be recorded if 72 hours have elapsed since the crime. It...

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Dec '24

Women’s Movement Navigating Change in South Asia Exhibition

10:00 am Bishwo Shahitto Kendro - বিশ্বসাহিত্য কেন্দ্র

On 8 and 9 December 2024, BIGD hosted a special exhibition showcasing artwork, photo stories, and audiovisual creations from gender justice movements in India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh. These works, created as part of the SuPWR...


May '24

Run up to the Summit for the Future: Learning from Research on Adolescent Wellbeing in Bangladesh, Challenges and Priorities

9:30 am Hotel Amari Dhaka

The Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE) program organized a dissemination workshop in Dhaka, where the latest midline findings around adolescents’ wellbeing were shared. The workshop brought together the international GAGE...


Oct '23

Workshop | Poverty Transitions and Social Protection: Experiences of and Attitudes Towards Urban Poverty

10:00 am Amari Dhaka

A workshop on Poverty Transitions and Social Protection: Experiences of and Attitudes Towards Urban Poverty, was organized by BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD), BRAC University, in collaboration with the Institute of...


Aug '23

Implementation of Domestic Violence Prevention and Protection Act 2010: Presentation and Discussion of Research Findings

10:00 am Dhaka

An insightful discussion on the implementation of the Domestic Violence Prevention and Protection Act (DVPPA) 2010 took place at Dhaka's Azimur Rahman Conference Hall. Organized by the BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD)...


Mar '22

Book Launch – In Search of Justice: Untold Tales of Domestic Violence Survivors

11:00 am Webinar

View book | View agenda While domestic violence remains pervasive across Bangladesh, the COVID- 19 crisis and resulting movement restrictions worsened existing difficulties that women faced while seeking redress from domestic violence, as...


May '21

Access to Justice for Survivors of Domestic Violence During COVID-19

11:00 am Webinar

View the Powerpoint slides here The COVID-19 outbreak has given rise to a worldwide surge in domestic violence – a phenomenon that has been termed as a “shadow pandemic” by the UN. In Bangladesh, where domestic violence...


Dec '20

New Forms of Adolescent Voice and Agency Through ICT and Mobile Phone Use

3:30 pm Webinar

Webinar deck | Report Bangladesh has entered the digital age, with internet users reaching 110.8 million in October 2020. Adolescents growing up in this rapidly digitizing world are unique in having their life experiences and opinions...


Oct '20

Women’s Economic Empowerment and Digital Finance (WEE-DiFine)

8:00 pm Webinar

View the webinar deck here Financial inclusion is necessary for economic growth and lowering rates of poverty. Research suggests that financial inclusion can be transformative for women and their families. However, despite increased...


Oct '20

Pathways to Women’s Economic Empowerment Through Digital Finance

8:00 pm Webinar

View webinar deck here BRAC Institute for Governance and Development (BIGD) launched Women’s Economic Empowerment and Digital Finance (WEE-DiFine), an exciting new research initiative aimed at generating evidence on the causal impact...


May '20

Webinar: Gender in the Time of COVID-19

9:00 am Webinar

The impacts of COVID-19 are gendered and is potentially intensifying pre-existing gender gaps. In order to discuss this and delve into the different aspects of COVID-19's impact- covering issues such as the impact on female education;...

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Law There, Loopholes Too

Publisher: The Daily Star

Date: 2023

Topic(s): Gender Justice

Online Violence Against Women Is Real Violence

Publisher: The Daily Star

Date: 2023

Topic(s): Gender Justice, Humanitarian
