Climate Change

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Sustainable Business Model for Agrivoltaic Pilot Project in Bangladesh

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Rohini Kamal, PhD, Mohammad Tofail Bin Azam

Topic(s): Climate Change

Bricks to Blocks: Information and Coordination Challenges for Transitioning to a Cleaner Building Technology

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Munshi Sulaiman, PhD, Rohini Kamal, PhD, Hasibul Hasan, Tasfia Mehzabin, Md. Mohsin Hossain

Topic(s): Climate Change

Economic Recovery of the Climate Migrants and New Poor Living in Climate-Vulnerable Urban Low-Income Settlements

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Rohini Kamal, PhD, Tasfia Mehzabin, Md. Mohsin Hossain, Md. Mahbub Ul Hassan Sharan, Mohammad Tofail Bin Azam, Mirza Mahmuda Ferdous

Topic(s): Climate Change

Enhancing Adaptive Capacity of the Climate-Vulnerable Ultra-Poor Households Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Md. Mohsin Hossain, Rohini Kamal, PhD, Md. Mahbub Ul Hassan Sharan

Topic(s): COVID-19, BRAC Programs, Climate Change

Environmental and Economic Impacts of Agrivoltaics in Bangladesh

Status: Completed

Researcher(s): Rohini Kamal, PhD, Tofail Ahmed, PhD

Topic(s): Climate Change

Strengthening Recovery Capacity of the COVID-19 and Climate Change-Affected Households Through Skills Training Targeting the Youth in the Families

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Munshi Sulaiman, PhD, Rohini Kamal, PhD, Md. Mohsin Hossain, Md. Mahbub Ul Hassan Sharan

Topic(s): Climate Change, COVID-19

Changing Village

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Shahaduz Zaman, PhD, Tanvir Shatil, Khondokar Shakhawat Ali, Mirza M. Hassan, PhD, Syeda Salina Aziz, Asif Shahan, PhD, Rohini Kamal, PhD, Fariza Rahman

Topic(s): Gender Justice, Governance and Politics, Skills and Jobs, Social Transformation, Climate Change, Digitization, Economic Development

Sustainable Livelihood Opportunities for the Climate Migrants and New Poor Through Skills Training and Empowerment of Cottage, Micro, and Small Enterprises in Bangladesh

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Rohini Kamal, PhD, Munshi Sulaiman, PhD, Md. Mohsin Hossain, Md. Mahbub Ul Hassan Sharan

Topic(s): Climate Change

Empowering Unemployed and Underemployed Youth of the Climate-Vulnerable Households Through Market-Driven Skills and Employment Opportunities

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Munshi Sulaiman, PhD, Rohini Kamal, PhD, Md. Mohsin Hossain, Md. Mahbub Ul Hassan Sharan

Topic(s): Climate Change

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Working Paper

Sustaining Escapes From Ultra-Poverty: A Mixed Methods Assessment of Layered Interventions in Coastal Bangladesh

Publisher: Chronic Poverty Advisory Network

Date: 2022

Author(s): Diwakar, Vidya; Kamninga, Tony; Mehzabin, Tasfia; Tumusiime, Emmanuel; Kamal, Rohini; Pabony, Nuha Anoor

Topic(s): Climate Change, Ultra-Poor Graduation

Journal Article

Environmental Non-migration as Adaptation in Hazard-prone Areas: Evidence From Coastal Bangladesh

Publisher: Global Environmental Change

Date: 2022

Author(s): Khatun, Fatema; Ahsan, Md. Nasif; Afrin, Sonia; Warner, Jeroen; Ahsan, Reazul; Mallick, Bishawjit; Kumar,Pankaj

Topic(s): Climate Change

Journal Article

Perceptions of Climate Change Across Different Climate-Risk Zones in Bangladesh

Publisher: Agriculture for Development

Date: 2022

Author(s): Kamal, Rohini; Islam, Md. Saiful; Risha, Adeeba Nuraina

Topic(s): Climate Change

Book/Book Chapter

Water Scarcity in Coastal Bangladesh: Search for Arsenic-Safe Aquifer with Geostatistics

Publisher: Springer

Date: 2022

Author(s): Hassan, M. Manzurul; Shaha, Anamika; Ahamed, Raihan

Topic(s): Climate Change

BIGD Reviews

BIGD Reflections 2021

Publisher: BIGD

Date: 2021

Author(s): BIGD

Topic(s): Climate Change, COVID-19, Digitization, Economic Development, Education

Journal Article

Long-run Impact of Globalization, Agriculture, Industrialization and Electricity Consumption on the Environmental Quality of Bangladesh

Publisher: International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy

Date: 2021

Author(s): Daizy, Afia Fahmida; Anjum, Mobasshir; Arman, Md. Raied; Shah, Nadir

Topic(s): Climate Change, Economic Development

Journal Article

Exploring Water Consumption in Dhaka City Using Instrumental Variables Regression Approaches

Publisher: Environmental Processes

Date: 2020

Author(s): Siddiquee, Muhammad Shahadat Hossain; Ahamed, Raihan

Topic(s): Cities, Climate Change

Policy Brief

Climate Change and Healthcare in the BIMSTEC Countries: Potential for Cooperation

Publisher: Observer Research Foundation

Date: 2019

Author(s): Kamruzzaman, Md 

Topic(s): Climate Change, Governance and Politics


State of Cities 2018: Water Governance in Dhaka

Publisher: BIGD

Date: 2019

Author(s): Islam, Mohammad Sirajul; Mohammad, Zia; Ashraf, Zeeshan; Hoque, Md. Mahan Ul; Tasnim, Montajima; Ahamed, Raihan; Mozumder, Tanvir Ahmed; Talukder, Sumaiya Kabir; Matin, Maria

Topic(s): Cities, Climate Change, Governance and Politics

Working Paper

Coping With Uncertainties: Trust Dynamics, Fluid Networks and Poverty Traps of the Urban Poor

Publisher: BIGD

Date: 2018

Author(s): Zillur, Kaneta; Razzaque, Farhana

Topic(s): Cities, Climate Change, Economic Development

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5 June 2024
Taslima Aktar

Studies reveal alarming increases in abuse during natural disasters; for instance, 71% of women in Bangladesh reported increased abuse during floods, with physical violence affecting over half. As we observe World Environment Day, it’s crucial to raise awareness about the gendered impacts of climate change and advocate for robust protections for women and girls in disaster-prone areas.

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15 November 2022
Sonia Afrin

The recent (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) IPCC report has listed Bangladesh as the world’s seventh most climate-vulnerable country. Climate change wreaks havoc each year.

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6 November 2022
Rohini Kamal

As the world increasingly faces rising disasters, crises and conflict, insights from Bangladesh share how the most vulnerable communities can build resilience, and how supporting people to form the right networks is a more powerful investment than we may realise.

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25 April 2022
Rohini Kamal

This Earth Day begins with the largest study on perceived climate risks ever conducted in Bangladesh. Commemorating Hugh Brammer’s work in Bangladesh, findings from the study drive home the need for ground-up, evidence-based experience to inform climate policy.

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8 March 2022
Rohini Kamal

The theme for International Women’s Day in 2022 “gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow” captures the need of the hour, following the dire pronouncements in the 6th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It reminds...

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20 August 2021
Adeeba Nuraina Risha

Here a mother and son are seen leaving their home and belongings to follow the road flooded till chest, to move towards a place of shelter. While two people carrying gas cylinders are also trying to move in the road...

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16 August 2021
Nusrat Jahan

After finishing my master's, I worked with a business school professor on a book writing project. It was about sustainable business practices. My job was to crawl (manually) the internet to find all possible viable, sustainable technologies out there. I...

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5 June 2021
Rohini Kamal

Bangladesh - Flooding, 2019. Photo by UN Women licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 This year’s World Environment Day is particularly special, as it launches UN’s decade of Ecosystem Restoration. The wide-ranging site of the restoration includes forests, farmlands, cities, wetlands...

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26 April 2021
Rohini Kamal

Dr Saleemul Huq, Director, International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) This year on Earth Day, 20 April 2021, Reuters duly recognized Dr Saleemul Huq as one of the world’s leading climate change scientists. It is a moment of great pride to see...

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