BRAC Programs

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Enhancing Adaptive Capacity of the Climate-Vulnerable Ultra-Poor Households Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Md. Mohsin Hossain, Rohini Kamal, PhD, Md. Mahbub Ul Hassan Sharan

Topic(s): BRAC Programs, Climate Change, COVID-19

Strengthening Economic Recovery Capacity of Climate- Vulnerable New Poor, Especially Returnee Migrants Impacted by COVID-19

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Md. Mohsin Hossain, Rohini Kamal, PhD, Md. Mahbub Ul Hassan Sharan

Topic(s): BRAC Programs

Evidence on Childcare (ECC)

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Munshi Sulaiman, PhD, Shaila Ahmed, PhD, Sakila Yesmin

Topic(s): BRAC Programs

Tertiary Education Loan

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Khandker Wahedur Rahman, PhD, Abu S. Shonchoy, PhD, Shaila Ahmed, PhD, Marjan Hossain

Topic(s): BRAC Programs

Social Empowerment and Legal Protection Programme (SELP)

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Munshi Sulaiman, PhD, Shaila Ahmed, PhD, Md. Johirul Islam, Khandker Wahedur Rahman, PhD, Sakib Mahmood, PhD

Topic(s): BRAC Programs

An Early Evaluation of BRAC’s New Poor Programme

Status: Completed

Researcher(s): Imran Matin, PhD, Narayan C. Das, PhD, Nusrat Jahan, Mohima Gomes, Tanvir Shatil

Topic(s): BRAC Programs, Economic Development, Ultra-Poor Graduation

Impact Assessment of BRAC’s Disability Inclusive Ultra-Poor Graduation (DIUPG) Programme

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Imran Matin, PhD, Narayan C. Das, PhD, Sheikh Touhidul Haque, PhD, Semab Rahman

Topic(s): BRAC Programs, Social Transformation, Ultra-Poor Graduation

Enhancing Economic Recovery Capacity of COVID-19-Affected Climate-Vulnerable Farmers Engaging in Dairy, Crop, and Vegetable Farming

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Munshi Sulaiman, PhD, Rohini Kamal, PhD, Md. Mohsin Hossain, Md. Mahbub Ul Hassan Sharan

Topic(s): BRAC Programs, Climate Change

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BIGD Reviews

BIGD Works | September 2024

Publisher: BIGD

Date: 2024

Author(s): BIGD

Topic(s): BRAC Programs

BIGD Reviews

BIGDWorks with BRAC | April 2024

Publisher: BIGD

Date: 2024

Topic(s): BRAC Programs

Journal Article

The Impact of Entrepreneurship Training and Credit on the Labour Market Outcomes of Disadvantaged Young People

Publisher: Development in Practice

Date: 2024

Author(s): Khan, Tahsina Naz; Bhattacharjee, Anindita; Das, Narayan; Hossain, Marzuk A.N.; Rahman, Atiya; Tabassum, Asma

Topic(s): BRAC Programs, Skills and Jobs, Social Transformation

BIGD Reviews

BIGD Reflections 2023

Publisher: BIGD

Date: 2023

Author(s): BIGD

Topic(s): BRAC Programs, Economic Development, Social Transformation, Ultra-Poor Graduation


How Effective is the BRAC Ultra-Poor Graduation Programme? | An Impact Evaluation of 2019 Cohort

Publisher: BIGD, Innovations for Poverty Action

Date: 2023

Author(s): Jahan, Nusrat; Mozumder, Tanvir Ahmed; Hsu, Sam; Arman, Md. Raied; Arif, Akmam Binte

Topic(s): BRAC Programs, Economic Development, Social Transformation, Ultra-Poor Graduation

Journal Article

Economic Recovery of the New Poor Created by COVID-19: Evidence From Bangladesh

Publisher: Development in Practice

Date: 2023

Author(s): Gomes, Mohima; Jahan, Nusrat; Shatil, Tanvir; Tahsin, Nabila; Das, Narayan; Matin, Imran.

Topic(s): BRAC Programs, COVID-19, Skills and Jobs, Social Transformation


Rapid Assessment of BRAC’s Disability Inclusive Ultra-Poor Graduation (DIUPG) Programme

Publisher: BIGD

Date: 2023

Author(s): Gomes, Mohima; Kamruzzaman, Md.; Tahsin, Nabila; Islam, Md. Karimul; Biswas, Dipika

Topic(s): BRAC Programs, Social Transformation, Ultra-Poor Graduation

Journal Article

Labour Market Outcomes and Child Marriage: Evidence From BRAC’s Skills Training Programme

Publisher: Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies

Date: 2023

Author(s): Rahman, Atiya; Bhattacharjee, Anindita; Rahman, Rehnuma

Topic(s): BRAC Programs, Gender Justice

BIGD Reviews

BIGDWorks with BRAC | July 2023

Publisher: BIGD

Date: 2023

Topic(s): BRAC Programs

Journal Article

Building an Equitable Future? BRAC’s Star Program and Young Women’s Economic Empowerment in Bangladesh

Publisher: Development in Practice

Date: 2023

Author(s): Banks, Nicola; Jahan, Nusrat; Rahman, Tasmiah; Tabbassum,  Asma; Roy, Joydeep Sinha; Shakil, Shifur Rahman

Topic(s): BRAC Programs, Gender Justice

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13 April 2023
Md. Shafiqul Islam

The Manikganj Integrated Project (MIP) was an ambitious initiative aimed at empowering rural women in Bangladesh by providing them with the necessary skills to generate income. Through activities such as pickle making, poultry rearing, and collective agriculture, BRAC aimed to create self-supporting groups of women. Despite facing significant social and technical challenges, BRAC’s dedication to building a sub-sector that worked for rural women was the driving force behind their success.

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12 April 2023
Md. Shafiqul Islam

BRAC had three major experiences of working with the poorest groups, including those in Sulla, Jamalpur, and Rawmari. The focus of the organisation then turned sharply towards the life condition and upliftment of the most disadvantaged groups, including poor women. Consciousness raising and organising marginalised women into groups was a vital part of BRAC’s strategy for initiating developmental and economic processes.

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5 April 2023
Rabbi Ahmed

‘অ্যাকশন বাংলাদেশ’-এর মূল উদ্দেশ্য ছিল মুক্তিযুদ্ধের স্বপক্ষে জনমত গঠন করা। এ-জন্য প্রথমেই তারা ২৫ মার্চ রাতে পাকিস্তানিদের বর্বর ও নৃশংস হত্যাকাণ্ডের ঘটনা পৃথিবীকে জানানোর প্রয়োজনীয়তা উপলব্ধি করেন। তারা মনে করেন, বিশ্ববাসী যদি প্রকৃত ঘটনা উপলব্ধি করতে না পারে তাহলে জনমত গঠন করার কাজটি দূরহ হবে। এছাড়া সাহায্য-সহযোগিতাও পাওয়া যাবে না। এ কারণে শুরুতেই তারা ‘লন্ডন টাইমস’ পত্রিকায় বেশ বড় একটি বিজ্ঞাপন দেন। যেখানে জানানো হয়, ‘বাংলাদেশে গণহত্যা চলছে। এই হত্যাকাণ্ড বন্ধ করার জন্য ব্রিটিশ সরকার ও জাতিসংঘের উদ্যোগ নেওয়া প্রয়োজন।’

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5 April 2023
Rabbi Ahmed

মুক্তিযুদ্ধ যখন শুরু হয় স্যার ফজলে হাসান আবেদ তখন ৩৫ বছরের টগবগে এক তরুণ— শেল অয়েল কোম্পানির হেড অব ফাইন্যান্স হিসেবে কাজ করছেন চট্টগ্রামে। কোম্পানি থেকে তাঁকে লিয়াজোঁ অফিসারের দায়িত্ব দেওয়া হলে মে মাসের প্রথমদিকে তিনি লন্ডনে চলে যাওয়ার সিদ্ধান্ত নেন। লন্ডনে স্যার আবেদ ও তাঁর বন্ধু ও সহকর্মীরা মিলে ‘হেল্প বাংলাদেশ’ এবং ‘অ্যাকশন বাংলাদেশ’ প্রতিষ্ঠার মাধ্যমে মুক্তিযুদ্ধে ভূমিকা রাখেন। ‘অ্যাকশন বাংলাদেশ’-এর মাধ্যমে তাঁরা পাকিস্তানি সেনাবাহিনী কর্তৃক বাংলাদেশে চলমান গণহত্যার বিষয়টি আন্তর্জার্তিক মিডিয়ায় তুলে ধরেন। এবং পশ্চিমা দেশগুলোতে মুক্তিযুদ্ধের স্বপক্ষে জনমত গঠন করেন। অন্যদিকে ‘হেল্প বাংলাদেশ’-এর মাধ্যমে মুক্তিযোদ্ধাদের জন্য তহবিল সংগ্রহ করা হয়।

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29 January 2023
Yolande Wright

I joined some research work, visiting families prior to the interventions, and listened as women described what they had to eat in their home. How rice with a little garlic or chilli was their main meal, and the cooking water with a little rice in it would do for breakfast.

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16 January 2023
Khondaker Hasibul Kabir

One of my earliest encounters with extreme poverty was through BRAC’s Ultra-Poor Graduation (UPG) program. Although I grew up in a village myself and was accustomed to poverty, UPG made me realize what it really means to be extremely poor.

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15 November 2022
Sonia Afrin

The recent (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) IPCC report has listed Bangladesh as the world’s seventh most climate-vulnerable country. Climate change wreaks havoc each year.

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9 November 2022
Rabbi Ahmed

১৯৭০ সালের ১৩ নভেম্বর বাংলাদেশের দক্ষিণাঞ্চলে একটি ঘূর্ণিঝড় হয়। এতে প্রাণ হারান উপকূলের প্রায় ৩০০,০০০ জন মানুষ। এটিকে বিগত শতাব্দীর সবচেয়ে ভয়ংকরতম প্রাকৃতিক দুর্যোগ হিসেবে বিবেচনা করা হয়। বিজ্ঞানীরা যাকে ‘গ্রেট সাইক্লোন অব 1970’ নামেও অভিহিত করেন।

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8 November 2022
Dr Oriana Bandiera

“They’re going to eat the cow.”
That was the gist of the reaction I received from virtually every economist I talked to when I told them about an innovative programme designed to eradicate extreme poverty.

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6 November 2022
Atiya Rahman

Atiya Rahman shares the transformative journey from relying solely on data to understanding the nuanced realities of the Ultra Poor Graduation program, discovering the power of personal stories and the complexity of socioeconomics in action.

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Jan '23

Development as Discovery: Learning from the Life and Work of Abed Bhai

3:00 pm BRAC Centre Inn Conference Room (1st Floor)

BIGD organized a roundtable discussion "Development as Discovery: Learning from the Life and Work of Abed Bhai" at the BRAC Centre, Dhaka on Sunday, January 8, 2023. Scott MacMillan, author of the biographical book on Abed bhai, 'Hope...


Jun '22

DSA 2022 Pre-conference Roundtable | BRAC@50: What Can We Learn From the World’s Largest NGO?

6:00 am BRAC Centre Inn Auditorium

BRAC’s 50 years of work focusing on the economic and social empowerment of people living in poverty has helped us to build a new approach to southern development. In this roundtable session organized by the Development Studies...


Dec '21

Celebrating Abed Bhai and BRAC: Ideas and Relevance for Social Science Research

2:00 pm BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD)

Dr Shahaduz Zaman, Lead Researcher of the Historicizing BRAC Project, delivered a speech on the formative years of BRAC in a talk organized by BIGD to commemorate the organization's founder, Fazle Hasan Abed, on his second death...

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