
Md. Mahbub Ul Hassan Sharan

Md. Mahbub Ul Hassan Sharan

Research Associate

Md. Mahbub Ul Hassan Sharan is a Research Associate at the BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD), Brac University. 

Sharan completed his B.Sc. in Water Resources Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). He is currently pursuing a Master of Development Studies at Brac University. 

Economic Recovery of the Climate Migrants and New Poor Living in Climate-Vulnerable Urban Low-Income Settlements

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Rohini Kamal, PhD, Tasfia Mehzabin, Md. Mohsin Hossain, Md. Mahbub Ul Hassan Sharan, Mohammad Tofail Bin Azam, Mirza Mahmuda Ferdous

Topic(s): Climate Change

Enhancing Adaptive Capacity of the Climate-Vulnerable Ultra-Poor Households Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Md. Mohsin Hossain, Rohini Kamal, PhD, Md. Mahbub Ul Hassan Sharan

Topic(s): BRAC Programs, Climate Change, COVID-19

Strengthening Economic Recovery Capacity of Climate- Vulnerable New Poor, Especially Returnee Migrants Impacted by COVID-19

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Md. Mohsin Hossain, Rohini Kamal, PhD, Md. Mahbub Ul Hassan Sharan

Topic(s): BRAC Programs

Strengthening Recovery Capacity of the COVID-19 and Climate Change-Affected Households Through Skills Training Targeting the Youth in the Families

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Munshi Sulaiman, PhD, Rohini Kamal, PhD, Md. Mohsin Hossain, Md. Mahbub Ul Hassan Sharan

Topic(s): Climate Change, COVID-19

Sustainable Livelihood Opportunities for the Climate Migrants and New Poor Through Skills Training and Empowerment of Cottage, Micro, and Small Enterprises in Bangladesh

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Rohini Kamal, PhD, Munshi Sulaiman, PhD, Md. Mohsin Hossain, Md. Mahbub Ul Hassan Sharan

Topic(s): Climate Change

Empowering Unemployed and Underemployed Youth of the Climate-Vulnerable Households Through Market-Driven Skills and Employment Opportunities

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Munshi Sulaiman, PhD, Rohini Kamal, PhD, Md. Mohsin Hossain, Md. Mahbub Ul Hassan Sharan

Topic(s): Climate Change

Enhancing Economic Recovery Capacity of COVID-19-Affected Climate-Vulnerable Farmers Engaging in Dairy, Crop, and Vegetable Farming

Status: Ongoing

Researcher(s): Munshi Sulaiman, PhD, Rohini Kamal, PhD, Md. Mohsin Hossain, Md. Mahbub Ul Hassan Sharan

Topic(s): BRAC Programs, Climate Change
