Transforming government agencies to serve people better requires cultivating a customer-centric vision and culture. A big challenge for agencies, in scaling up the service operation by efficiently using time and resources, is to have a clear understanding of what matters most to a widely diverse customer population. Certain approaches, such as identifying customers and their needs, collecting and analyzing new and existing data, and measuring what matters and making it visible, can help in launching a customer experience transformation and keeping track of its progress. Understanding customers’ needs and agencies’ capability is imperative to reset customer expectations to a realistic level and continue to improve what can be delivered by the service providers. Following up on the discussion of the first policy brief, our focus in this second issue of the policy brief series is to present new insights on customer experiences from the BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD) survey related to the three financial inclusive services: a) Mobile banking, b) Agent banking, and c) Social Safety Net (SSN) allowance payment. The policy brief concluded that delivering services at a more decentralized level with a simplified and transparent process could substantially improve customers’ convenience and affordability. Furthermore, proactive and clear policies are required to address customer complaints and resolution mechanisms and for a better customer-centric service, building and sustaining the momentum by demonstrating actions and successes are also crucial.
Authors: Shadat, Wasel Bin; Zahan, Iffat; Matin, Maria; Islam, Md Saiful
Type: Policy Brief
Year: 2020