
Towards a Financially Sustainable Approach to Education and the Issue of Equity: A Study on BRAC Shishu Niketan Schools

BRAC operated a non-formal primary education (NFPE) program for three decades on a philanthropic mode. It was possible due to the financial support of the international development partners. Such support has started to shrink and might not be available in the near future as a result of the improved socioeconomic development of Bangladesh. In response, BRAC has made a strategic shift in its programmatic approach. The BRAC Education Program (BEP) has been trying to be self-sustainable. Therefore, a financially sustainable approach to education service delivery has been adopted in early 2016. The centre of this approach is cost recovery; meaning that students are charged monthly tuition fees for education in BRAC schools. Studies show that, in a fee-free mode, priority was given to poor students (in terms of parental education and household economy) for admission in BRAC schools.

Author: Nath; Samir Ranjan
Type: Monograph
Year: 2017
