
The Life Cycle of a Gram Daridro Bimochon Committee

Besides other reasons, to meet the commitments towards Millennium Development Goals BRAC introduced the Challenging the Frontiers of Poverty Reduction/Targeting Ultra Poor program. To facilitate the program, thus, bring positive changes in the life of the ultra-poor, a Gram Daridro Bimochon Committee, comprising the elite of the community was formed. The committee appeared to have a short active life. The study ethnographically observed the life cycle of a committee from its inception to the dormant stage. In this observation, the study in addition to depicting the dynamics and performance of the committee tried to single out the reasons for it becoming inactive and what could be done to keep the committees active even after the program discontinued its regular contact with the committee. The study observed that BRAC’s effort to achieve poverty alleviation through community-wide programmes resulted in the elite’s monopolization of the benefits by depriving the poor and even in some cases led to tighter control of the former over the latter.

Authors: Rafi, Mohammad; Samadder, Mrinmoy; Khan, Ashrafuzzaman
Type: Working Paper
Year: 2013
