
Strategy Primer: For the Future of Digital in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has been experiencing a digital transformation as well as sustained economic growth. The overall impact of new technologies will be determined by how well they are adopted, the extent they are adopted, and how indirect effects filter through the rest of the economy. In this context, partnering with the University of Oxford’s Digital Pathways Initiative, BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD), intended to chart a pathway for Bangladesh to decide holistic strategies to accelerate its inclusive growth in the digital age. This project has been implemented with close collaboration with the ICT Division of the Government of Bangladesh and benefited from feedback and meaningful suggestions from high-level government officials. This strategy primer is the outcome of the overall process. This particular document is structured into three sections: a) Leveraging opportunities in the digital age that comes up with specific recommendations to address the challenges of those three areas of economic opportunities to achieve inclusive growth in Bangladesh, b) Closing the readiness gap that discusses the critical areas for actions to ensure ubiquitous access and skills development which are essential for the opportunities to be realised, and c) Collaboration and engagement for the digital economy which identifies three priority areas of collaborative actions that need to be taken with the roles distributed across the stakeholders.

Authors: Jahangir, Zulkarin; Safir, Abdullah Hasan; Ahmed, Shamael
Type: Report
Year: 2021
