
Socioeconomic Impact of BRAC’s Non-formal Primary Schools

BRAC started its Non-formal Primary Education (NFPE) program to improve children’s effective participation in their own socio-economic development by increasing literacy, numeracy, and required life skills. An impact assessment study was undertaken to gauge the extent to which the NFPE contributed to such changes. Three groups of respondents were chosen for comparison: a) children who graduated from BRAC schools, b) graduates of government primary schools and c) children who never enrolled in any school. A total of 2,412 persons were selected randomly. The study showed that the government school graduates came from better-off households compared to NFPE graduates or those who had never enrolled in school. These latter two groups were found to be of a similar socioeconomic background. The findings, however, showed similar performance of the government and NFPE school graduates on the socioeconomic impact indicators. Thus, it may be concluded that NFPE school graduates’ better performance as measured in this study was essentially the impact of the BRAC Education Program.

Authors: Hossain, Altaf; Nath, Samir Ranjan; Chowdhury, AMR
Type: Monograph
Year: 2005
