One of the most daunting challenges facing the world today in the field of health is the issue of maternal mortality. Over the previous few decades, remarkable progress has been made in almost every sector of development. More children now survive in developing countries than ever before and more of them now go to school. Unfortunately, the situation in terms of maternal mortality has not changed much for many developing countries. It is estimated that 585,000 maternal deaths occur annually worldwide, 99 percent of this in developing countries. This study explores new knowledge on access to skilled attendance at delivery among the poorest women. Increasing the net of deliveries by skilled attendants is thus the latest thrust in the international safe motherhood movement. The present goal is to ensure that 80 percent of deliveries are assisted by a skilled attendant by 2005. The study systematically collected and presented data on women’s needs regarding skill attendance at delivery using qualitative methods. The study provides recommendations regarding increased access to safe motherhood services, changing attitudes of the community and family, ensuring arrangements for transport, and developing the role of supplementary interventions.
Authors: BRAC Research and Evaluation Division
Type: Report
Year: 2001