
Shaking Embedded Gender Roles and Relations: An Impact Assessment of Gender Quality Action Learning Program

The Gender Quality Action Learning program initiated a village-level intervention in 2007 in 10 districts to increase knowledge, and change perception, attitudes, and practice behaviour of the villagers on discrimination and violence against women. A benchmark survey was conducted before the intervention was initiated. To measure the changes that have taken place due to intervention a midline survey was conducted in 2009-10. The study used a quantitative method to measure the changes in knowledge, perception, attitude, and practices of the respondents on four themes and various issues after the intervention. The comparison between the surveys shows that knowledge, perception and attitudes of the respondents on selected gender issues changed remarkably after the intervention. Results also show that along with an increase in knowledge and changes in the perception and attitudes of the respondents on gender roles and relations positively changes in the likelihood of male participation in household activity would increase and the incidence of domestic violence against women would decrease.

Authors: Alim, Md. Abdul
Year: 2011
Type: Working Paper
