This is a baseline study of a School Nutrition Programme (SNP) funded by Dubai Care and GAIN and implemented by two NGOs – BRAC and Banchte Shekha. The study aims to portray the elementary situation in terms of basic education and nutritional features which might create some impact as a result of this initiative. BRAC is implementing the program in rural and urban areas and Banchte Shekha in rural areas. It is a one-year program – started in May/June 2012 and is expected to end in August 2013. BRAC serves 3,614 students from 23 schools in rural areas and 8,444 students from 57 schools in urban areas, and Banchte Shekha serves 6,208 students from 22 schools. The study sample was independently selected from three project sites into two groups: an intervention group and a control group from each area. A proportionate sampling technique was followed to choose the respondents. The study sample includes 4,602 students from 60 schools. The findings reveal that learners of urban intervention sites were relatively better in terms of their parental education and the socioeconomic condition of households. The nutritional and educational situations of these students were relatively better compared to the other two groups. To some extent, a significant difference was found between intervention and control groups in terms of learner’s performance, food security, and nutritional knowledge and practices. The majority of the students were found satisfied with the initiative and their parents as well. However, the monotonous food menu created dissatisfaction for a few. A diversified menu might increase their satisfaction.
Authors: Afroze, Rifat; Mia, Md. Moslem Uddin; Majumder, Md. Saiful Islam
Type: Report
Year: 2013