In Bangladesh, patriarchal norms, ideology, and social institutions shape women’s roles and status in general. Within this patriarchal system, external forces like NGOs may affect the relationships between men and women with respect to prestige, power, and control, by enhancing or lowering the status of women in different spheres and locations. BRAC as a national NGO involved in poverty alleviation and women’s empowerment represents one of these external forces. Since women are relatively more adversely affected by poverty BRAC emphasizes gender equity in its development programs for poverty alleviation and women. The various programs of BRAC reflect the organization’s concern with this disadvantaged group. In the process of implementing these programs, the need was felt to develop a positive attitude in the society about improving gender relations and enhancing gender equity and equality, which would ultimately contribute to women’s empowerment at individual, social and organizational levels.
Authors: Mahmud, Simeen; Mahbub, Amina
Type: Report
Year: 2004