
Reaching Primary Education at the Doorstep of the Poor: The BRAC Experience

It is a review paper on BRAC education programs. Starting with a description of the country’s context of the initial days of the program it describes how the program was developed and implemented and expanded throughout the country using the gathered experiences. The impact of the program was both external and internal. BRAC’s emphasis towards girls’ education contributed to achieving gender parity at the national level. A comparative study on the assessment of basic competencies also showed that the students of BRAC schools did significantly better than their counterparts in the government primary schools. Moreover, individuals with BRAC school background had better knowledge of health and other development issues including awareness (child rights, etc.) than those with formal school backgrounds. This program created part time income opportunity for thousands of women living in rural areas and urban slums as the teacher in BRAC schools are females. However, there is scope to improve learning achievement of the pupils and overcome gender differences in achievements. The international donor community always extended their hands with financial assistance. If the government could share a portion of the costs it might have been helpful in smooth running of the program in the hard-to-reach areas.

Author: Nath, Samir Ranjan
Type: Report
Year: 2005
