
Promoting Social and Emotional Learning in BRAC Primary Schools

BRAC Education Programme (BEP) took a scheme on a pilot basis to improve social and emotional skills among the students of BRAC primary schools. The aim was to make the learners more social and shape their behaviour and thoughts in a positive way. After 10 months of program implementation, this study was undertaken to see the classroom situation level. Several aspects of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) were already included in the regular BRAC curriculum. However, six more activities were introduced in the pilot schools. Three SEL implemented and three non-SEL schools were taken for investigation using qualitative research techniques. Findings reveal that the learners could describe their emotions, sometimes showed their confidence, and cooperated effectively with their peers. However, they did not show much interest in participating in the newly added components. There was also a lack of follow-up and supervision of the activities. The SEL core team was supposed to be more active in this regard. It might be better to engage parents to gain greater success of the initiative. The study recommends rethinking the whole process–from curriculum development to implementation in the classroom considering students’ age, teachers’ quality, and local context.

Authors: Afroze, Rifat; Nahid, Durdana; Rahman, Abdur
Type: Report
Year: 2012
