
Popular Theatre and BRAC

The objectives of the study include evaluation of the popular theatre of BRAC as being performed as well as the extent of the messages being communicated through theatre, evaluate the changes brought about in the attitude of the attendees towards theatre, and the extent they take initiative in their development. We intensively observed two popular theatres (one organized by the Social Development Program and the other by the Advocacy Program of BRAC) and the catchments of these theatres. The villagers from the catchments, i.e., treatment group, were compared with a control group from villages where the theatre was never held in terms of certain attributes related to theatres. Findings indicate that the programs have standardized the process of conducting theatre without sufficient participation of the community for whom the theatres were being played. In spite of this, the theatres were well communicated to the audiences, because the themes of the theatres were part of their experience. The theatres managed to conscientize them and brought a change in their attitudes. The audiences did not transform their changed attitude into action for development because they considered the theatres as entertainment only. They did not have a sense of ownership to it as they were not a part of the selection of the play, organizing it, and acting in the theatre.

Authors: Rafi, Mohammad; Rahman, Hasanur
Type: Monograph
Year: 2009
