
Pattern of Time Use of Adult Women and Men in Rural North Bangladesh in 2013-2014

The Centre for Gender and Social Transformation (CGST) of BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD) and ActionAid Bangladesh carried out a study on time use by rural women and men in Lalmonirhat and Gaibandha in the period November 2013 to October 2014, focusing on a comparison of time spent on different categories of activities by gender, age, marital status, education and occupation. The primary objective of the study was to assess the amount of labour that goes into the production of ‘care’, and to demonstrate the unequal responsibility and burden entailed for men and women in the provision of this work. The study primarily used a time diary tool which was developed by CGST. Ten sub-categories were developed under three broad categories: Care Work (Unpaid), Productive Work and Non- productive work. This was supplemented by limited observations of respondents to validate the time dairy data. In Lalmonirhat the time use data were collected from 120 respondents of 16 Reflect Groups from two unions under the Sadar Upazila. In Gaibandha the data were collected from 185 respondents of 25 Reflect Groups from four unions under Fulchori Upazila. In Gaibandha there were 134 women and 71 men respondents, while in Lalmonirhat there were 90 women and 50 men respondents. In addition, in both areas, time use data were collected from 10 women (and their husbands) residing within the same unions who were not members of any Reflect Groups but were of similar socioeconomic status as a control/comparison group.

Authors: Mustafa, Sadia; Mahmud, Simeen
Type: Report
Year: 2015
