
Leveraging Urban Inclusion Through Education: Study on BRAC Slum School Project

Slum becomes one of the major concerns particularly for developing countries like Bangladesh in order to sustain the initiatives taken for urban development. The challenges faced by the slum habitats are badly intertwined, and education has always got the least priority for this community. Moreover, inadequate school facilities, the higher expense of schooling, difficulties in getting enrolled, distance of the school, and child labour deteriorate the situation and accentuate the problem of lower educational attainment of this population. This research was commissioned to examine the outcome and challenges of the Urban Slum School Project of the BRAC Education Programme which was initiated in 2013. In response to the research objective, a quantitative approach had dominantly been employed in this study. The baseline survey was carried out with a randomly selected sample of 50 slum schools and 1000 households of students in 2013. That initiative was followed by an endline research at the end of 2016. Household survey, school survey, and learning achievement test for the students of grade V have been utilised. For the endline study, in total 82 schools: 50 slum schools of baseline study and 32 other BRAC schools as a comparison group; had been selected as samples for the survey and competences achievement test in 2016. There were two comparison groups: 18 rural BRAC primary schools and 14 urban (non-slum) BRAC primary schools.

Authors: Yasmin, Nowreeen; Nath, Samir Ranjan; Hossain, Mohammad Anwar
Type: Working Paper
Year: 2018
