This study aimed to evaluate the Multipurpose Learning Centres or Gonokendros (GK) operated by BRAC jointly with the local community in rural areas of Bangladesh. Two main goals were process evaluation and impact assessment. The idea behind the process evaluation is to explore how the centres are utilized and how the users perceive the quality of services which may differ in different types of centres. In impact assessment, the focus has been on how the centres have benefited the local community and the channels through which individuals are affected. Eighteen centres of different types and 900 respondents (450 students and 450 adults) were selected through stratified random sampling. Three control areas and 150 respondents were also selected for comparison. There are three types of GKs facility-wise – comprehensive GKs with a computer, mobile library, and fixed library; medium GKs with mobile library and fixed library; and limited GKs with fixed library only. These three types are also classified into old GKs established during 2002- 2006 and young GKs established during 2007-2009. Out of 18 GKs, 10 falls in less advanced areas and 8 in advanced areas, all are rural. Three control areas are in less developed areas. Among the 18 centres one is situated outside of a school compound, whereas 17 GKs are attached to schools. Two centres are situated in the girls’ schools.
Authors: Ahmad, Alia; Ferdousei, Papia
Type: Monograph
Year: 2013