
Effects of Food Assistance: Evaluation of a Food-for-Training Project in South Sudan

This chapter is part of the book titled What Works for Africa’s Poorest: Poverty Reduction Programs for Extremely Poor People, which contains a unique cross-section of country-specific case studies from across Sub-Saharan Africa, combined with cross-country analyses of important programs, written by practitioners, academics and advisers. Food assistance programs are often criticized for their possible effects of creating disincentives to work and crowding out private transfers. On the other hand, nutrition-based efficiency wage theory predicts that food assistance can increase the ability to work and the labour supply of the poor. This experimental research assesses the effects of a food-for-training program on household labour supply, informal transfers, and welfare in South Sudan. We do not find any significant effect on the hours of work or the type of economic activities undertaken by adult members. However, there was a significant negative impact (about 20 per cent) on per capita household income. This decline came about mostly through a reduction in child labour, coinciding with positive impacts on school enrollment of girls. Furthermore, we find positive impacts on consumption of durable goods, especially on housing.

Author: Sulaiman, Munshi
Type: Book/Book Chapter
Year: 2017
