
Digitizing Implementation Monitoring and Public Procurement Project (DIMAPPP) Research Brief: Issue 4

The fourth issue of DIMAPPP Citizen Engagement Research Brief sheds light on the implementation of the citizen engagement component within the Digitizing Implementation Monitoring and Public Procurement Project. Over the course of several years, this initiative has aimed to ensure social accountability in public procurement, specifically in relation to small-scale construction works in rural areas of Bangladesh, such as schools, bridges, roads, colleges, and wash blocks. The citizen engagement process commenced in January 2019 and, as of March 2022, citizens from both group-based and non-group-based backgrounds have actively monitored 316 individual contracts across different geographic regions. This research brief presents findings from the analysis of 114 completed contracts, focusing on exploring and analyzing the profiles, interests, capacities, and subsequent experiences of local citizens engaged in monitoring local development works. Additionally, the brief examines the nature of the engagement between public officials and citizens, with an emphasis on their role in facilitating the citizen monitoring process. Through this academic research, it provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and impact of citizen engagement in promoting social accountability in public procurement in rural Bangladesh.

Authors: Ahamed, Raihan; Khan, Insiya
Type: Research Brief
Year: 2022
