
Continuation of BRAC Non-formal School Graduates of 1995 in Formal School Education

The education programs of BRAC not only provide quality basic education to its learners it also puts emphasis on their enrolment in formal schools for further education. The Research and Evaluation Division of BRAC started a tracer study on the graduates of BRAC non-formal schools in 1995. This article, based on the data generated from the tracer study, explores the continuation of education of the graduates of BRAC non-formal schools in formal schools. Three types of schools were considered. These are BRAC operated Non-Formal Primary Education (NFPE) and Basic Education for Older Children (BEOC), and NFPE under Education Support Programme (ESP). A representative sample of 1,259 graduates of 1995, who completed a three-year course in BRAC schools, was followed up and surveyed in 1995, 1997 and 1999 to collect various information including their schooling status. However, in this third survey, 1,106 could be traced.

Author: Nath, Samir R
Type: Report
Year: 2000
