
Assessing the Performance of GQAL in Changing Gender Norms and Behaviour

This research was undertaken to measure the level of practice and attitudes with respect to the gender division of labour in the home, domestic violence, gender inequality in terms of healthcare, nutrition and education, and community mobilization around violence against women in the selected areas. Also to assess whether specific gender norms with respect to the above have changed in the wider community in the last five years. Moreover, to document the ways in which the community has engaged in collective action around practices of gender discrimination and violence, with the aim of identifying different supports and barriers. Data were collected from a total of nine spots, three in each district. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used for data collection. Outcomes to measure actual practice and perception regarding gender justice and gender-based violence were identified according to four themes: gender role changes at the household level, reduction in domestic violence, increased community mobilization against VAW(violence against women), and equitable access to healthcare and nutrition. 

Authors: Mahmud, Simeen; Sultan, Maheen; Huq, Lopita
Type: Report
Year: 2012
