
An Evaluation of BRAC Pre-primary Education Programme

BRAC operates over 20,000 pre-primary education centres in the areas of formal primary schools. It is a one-year-long course and each centre recruits 25 to 30 pupils. The aim of this study was to evaluate the ongoing practices of BRAC pre-primary education programs adopting both qualitative and quantitative research approaches. The findings section has four distinct parts, viz., review of pre-primary curricula, implementation of the curricula, socio-economic background of pupils, and performance of PP graduates comparable to non-PP students. All areas have identified some interesting findings and concerns. BEP policy and regulations regarding teachers’ recruitment somehow went against BRAC philosophy related to the promotion of women. Children from poorer communities were left out of the program due to the nature of collaboration between the government and BRAC. There is a strong argument regarding rethinking of curriculum, textbooks, teacher preparation, etc. In addition to noticing the major concerns regarding the program, some suggestions were made for its improvement.

Authors: Shahjamal, Mirja Mohammad; Nath, Samir Ranjan
Type: Report
Year: 2008
