This study aimed at examining the classroom practices of two types of BRAC schools, i.e., schools of non-formal primary education (NFPE) and Chandina Learning Improvement Project (CLIP). To achieve the goal both types of schools were selected purposively, and two schools from each category were observed for a week. The study found that the NFPE schools were mostly based on large group activities, and the CLIP schools were based on small group activities. The small group methods have also been introduced recently in NFPE schools on certain aspects only. Although the small group method has largely been implicated successfully in the educational process in different countries, unfortunately, it was not fully successful in BRAC schools. On the other hand, the large group process in both types of schools was found more effective compared to the small group process. Besides, some other drawbacks were also found in the classroom practices of both types of schools. These were lack of adequate explanation of the lesson, pressure to recall word by word while retrieving knowledge, inadequate level of knowledge of the teachers, absence of the culture of asking questions to the teacher, gap in materials, purpose of assignments not being served and above all gender sensitivity has not developed in BRAC schools in the proper way. Finally, it can be said that the introduction of any innovative teaching method can not bring fruitful results unless the facilitators and supervisors are not skilled enough for effective implications of the methods. Thus, the pedagogical skills of the teachers and the supervision skills of the staff should be improved through the process of effective training, supervision and management.
Authors: Imam, Syeda Rumnaz; Khan, Md. Kaisar A
Type: Report
Year: 1998