
Adolescents and Youths in Bangladesh: Some Selected Issues

Youths are generally known as the main force of a nation. At this stage of life, people start to contribute to their family, society and the nation. The amount as well as the quality of contribution however depends on prior investments made in terms of human capital, and how enabling the overall environment is to the concerns and aspirations of youth. It is the education provision of the nation, which in general plays a vital role in preparing its people towards contributing to nation-building. However, the extent to which education plays a part in nation-building also depends on the overall socio-political environment and commitment towards quality education at all levels. This paper explored several aspects of youth in Bangladesh by assessing their educational situation, the transition to the labour market and marriage, access to mass media, morbidity, health-seeking behaviour, and lifestyle among other factors. The report presents findings that are important to formulate policies and interventions for enhancing the Bangladesh youth’s environment.

Authors: Ahmed, Syed Masud; Gani, Md Showkat; Geirbo, Hanne Cecilie; Imam, Nuzhat; Nath, Samir Ranjan; Rabbani, Mehnaz; Rahman, Mahjabeen; Selim, Nasheeba; Sulaiman, Munshi
Type: Monograph
Year: 2006
