Sharique-III is a consortium project on local governance and development funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The consortium is comprised of HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation and BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD), BRAC University. The third phase of the project started in September 2013 and continued until December 2016.
Sharique is a flagship project in the field of local governance promotion in Bangladesh. Since its inception in 2006, the project has addressed both supply (local government institutions) and demand (rural citizens) sides of the governance processes as well as the policy environment on the local level.
Sharique-III contributes to empowering local citizens to make and implement inclusive, gender-sensitive, and pro-poor collective choices about their lives and livelihoods thought more democratic, inclusive, and effective local governance systems. It also aims to influence policies and practices at the national level through promoting and sharing its good practices and strengthening research initiatives.
The third phase of Sharique focused on the strategic planning and fiscal autonomy of the local governments, as well as poverty reduction and social inclusiveness. The project was implemented through an independent project implementation unit under the leadership of an international project director. The project covered 207 Union Parishads (UPs) in Rajshahi, Sunamganj, Chapai Nawabganj, and Khulna. In those areas, around 1,900 community groups with about 50,000 members were addressed by the program. It addressed both demand and supply-side responsiveness and capacity building issues in its efforts to make governance work for poor and disadvantaged people in particular.
BIGD was mandated for Research & Innovation, and Knowledge Management & Advocacy components of the project. As a consortium partner, BIGD held technical responsibility to conduct action and policy research on local governance in Bangladesh and to help prepare policy briefs so as to influence policies.