Interviewing 237 ready-made garments workers from 22 factories, Working with Women Project- II of SNV Netherlands Development Organisation found that 3.6% of workers were infected with COVID-19 among 136 workers who were sick. This was revealed in a virtual roundtable titled “Access to general and reproductive health services for RMG workers during new normal: challenges and opportunities” organised by the SNV Netherlands Development Organisation in association with The Daily Star yesterday. Mentioning the Royal Netherlands Embassy’s involvement and contribution in the policy level for workers’ wellbeing to be continued, Senior Policy Adviser on SRHR and Gender of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Mushfiqua Satiar emphasised on holistic approach through multi-stakeholder collaborative initiative to bring a solution to ensure workers wellbeing.
Interviewing 237 ready-made garments workers from 22 factories, Working with Women Project- II of SNV Netherlands Development Organisation found that 3.6% of workers were infected with COVID-19 among 136 workers who were sick. This was revealed in a virtual roundtable titled “Access to general and reproductive health services for RMG workers during new normal: challenges and opportunities” organised by the SNV Netherlands Development Organisation in association with The Daily Star yesterday. Mentioning the Royal Netherlands Embassy’s involvement and contribution in the policy level for workers’ wellbeing to be continued, Senior Policy Adviser on SRHR and Gender of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Mushfiqua Satiar emphasised on holistic approach through multi-stakeholder collaborative initiative to bring a solution to ensure workers wellbeing.