The partial lockdown enforced throughout Bangladesh since April in the wake of a second wave of Covid-19 pandemic is undoubtedly having a choking effect on the country’s economy. Those who work in the services and manufacturing sectors appear to be taking most of the brunt. Three survey reports released recently during the month of Ramadan also point to a dismal picture on the economic front. The first report jointly prepared by the Power and Participation Research Centre (PPRC) and BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD) found that a huge number of people who slipped below the poverty line at the start of the pandemic’s first wave could not return to their erstwhile status.
The partial lockdown enforced throughout Bangladesh since April in the wake of a second wave of Covid-19 pandemic is undoubtedly having a choking effect on the country’s economy. Those who work in the services and manufacturing sectors appear to be taking most of the brunt. Three survey reports released recently during the month of Ramadan also point to a dismal picture on the economic front. The first report jointly prepared by the Power and Participation Research Centre (PPRC) and BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD) found that a huge number of people who slipped below the poverty line at the start of the pandemic’s first wave could not return to their erstwhile status.