
COVID-19 Vaccination: Willingness and Practice in Bangladesh

A recent study found high willingness to be vaccinated (WTV) prevailing nationally in early February 2021, around the time when the nationwide vaccination program was launched in Bangladesh. Among those who were willing, however, many did not register for the vaccine. Researchers from BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD), BRAC University presented the study findings at a webinar titled “COVID-19 Vaccination: Willingness and Practice in Bangladesh” on Thursday, 17 June.

The study analyzed data from three surveys conducted over various periods of time, from late January to the end of March 2021, with the objective of examining the willingness to be vaccinated (WTV) in Bangladesh, on a national level as well as for the youth and urban slum residents. The research also aimed to look into prevailing vaccine registration practices and behaviour among the urban slum and rural respondents.

Majority of the respondents who were unwilling to be vaccinated, mentioned that they do not feel that vaccination is necessary. This notion was most prevalent among urban slum dwellers.

Nearly one-third of respondents from rural and urban slum samples reported that they did not know about the COVID-19 vaccine registration process in the first place. Among those who knew about vaccine registration, many did not register since they were unsure about their eligibility for the vaccine.

BIGD researchers Mehnaz Rabbani, Lead, Research for Policy and Governance (RPG), Avinno Faruk, Research Associate, and Ishmam Al Quddus, Research Associate, presented the findings from the study at the webinar, followed by comments from distinguished discussants. The objective of the virtual event was to enable policymakers to gauge the degree of vaccine acceptability and what may have worked or not worked towards it, and identify subgroups of the population that may require special attention to ensure immunization. The research report was also launched at the webinar.

Prof Diana Mitlin, Professor of Global Urbanism, Global Development Institute, University of Manchester said “We know that those who live in informal settlements are often badly treated, often not getting the services they need, leading to a history of suspicion. The importance of messaging and creating excitement around health services seems to be important especially in reducing the anxiety and negative concerns around vaccination.”

Dr. Shakila Sultana, Deputy Program Manager, Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI), Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Bangladesh said “It was a government decision for us to slow down registration communication, since we are currently facing a vaccine shortage. We will start proper communications once we can manage the supply side constraint.”

Dr Imran Matin, Executive Director, BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD), BRAC University concluded the session “Our research has identified the urban slum and youth as “hotspot” target populations to focus on during vaccine registration communications. As we delve deeper, there will soon be a need for implementation research on mass vaccination and BIGD is very interested in being a part of these studies.”
